Evangelizing with Beauty
Yesterday, thanks to the kindness of friends we had the joy of a private concert by composer and pianist Eric Genuis. Eric was joined by Brian Bak on the violin, Julia Gmeiner was the singer, and James Rosenbloom was the Cellist. (The links give you some YouTube videos).
Eric's music and the performance of these talented musicians was stunning for it's sheer beauty evoking so many emotions. Our concert was only an hour but we all wished they could have played longer! Interspersed among the different selections Eric shared about his family and his desire to raise a good and holy family. We were inspired by his mission to evangelize with beauty and spoke of how beauty is needed in our culture to transform hearts. He shared his experience of giving concerts in prisons and the effect of his music on people who listen to him, sometimes even resulting in people returning to the Church.
We feel so privileged to have had Eric, Julia, Ben and Jim with us and we look forward to another concert!