Leadership Workshop
Last week we began a Leadership Workshop with Fr. Michael Monshau, OP. The workshop was organized by the Association of the Monasteries of the Nuns of the Order of Preachers in the United States of America, of which our monastery is a member of. Father began by having us watch the documentary Interrupted Lives about Catholic nuns in Europe during communism. The film demonstrated that leadership is a quality that every sister needs to develop, not just those who hold the office of prioress or novice mistress. Father stressed that the sisters in the film were not the authority figures in their convents; most of them were in their twenties and only in temporary vows. Yet they were able to preserve their way of life and pass it on to the next generation. Father also taught us about different styles of leadership, qualities in a community that support leadership, etc.
Now it is the turn of our Corpus Christi Monastery in the Bronx as they begin the workshop this week!