Our Lady comes to Summit!

DSC_4616After many months of looking for a mover and not having any success we told Sr. Anna Marie, vicaress of the now-closed monastery in Camden, NJ that it didn't seem to be God's will that we should have one of the outdoor statues of Our Lady that was inside the monastery enclosure. A few days later we received the wonderful news that Sister was arranging for the delivery of the statue to our monastery! So, today, on the vigil of our father St.Dominic our Lady came to Summit in the "guise" this lovely statue of her holding the Child Jesus. It needs some clean up and a little repair but is in other wise in great condition. The statue has been placed near Little Bethany Hermitage and our handyman says it seems like it was always meant to be there! We are happy to have this remembrance of our sister-monastery.



St. Dominic's Day


Solemn Profession of Sr. Maria Tersesa of the Sacred Heart, OP