Seeing Double
It has been awhile since we've had two "bluebirds" flitting around the monastery in their little white veils and blue jumpers, but once again we are "seeing double".
Today, on the Solemnity of All Saints, Maria Barrett entered the enclosure to begin her postulancy.
Sr. Maria is from Montreal, Canada and traveled down to New Jersey yesterday with her Mother, Father, and two of her sisters for her entrance ceremony. Sister is the second of ten children and also the second to enter religious life! One of her sisters is a sister with the Community of Jerusalem in France.
Sister graduated this past May from Thomas Aquinas College in California with a BA in Liberal Arts. Her entrance was delayed a little bit this afternoon due to a missed train from visiting NYC, but she arrived back at the monastery just in time to enter before Vespers of All Saints.
Sr. Maria joins Sr. Emily, Sr. Mary Jacinta, and Sr. Mary Veronica in the novitiate. Sr. Emily in particular is glad to have another postulant. It's not easy being the only one in blue! (And yes, it is called the novitiate even though none of the four sisters are white-veiled novices! "Novitiate" is a funny word, meaning a place, a group of sisters, a duration of time, etc.)
Please pray for Sr. Maria's perseverance and for God's blessing on her family for the gift they have given Him of their precious daughter!