O Sapientia
Today we began the great O Antiphons of Advent. These antiphons begin every year on December 17th, appearing as the Alleluia verse at Mass each morning and as the Magnificat antiphon at Vespers each evening. They mark the final countdown to Christmas, the last seven days before the birth of Our Lord!
You may be more familiar with them in their more popular form– the Christmas carol O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. (Of course, their order is backwards in the carol!) Why are they called the O Antiphons? Because each antiphon begins with 'O'!
In our community we sing the O Antiphon at Mass in English and the one at Vespers in Latin. You can listen below to one of our sisters sing the first O Antiphon, O Sapientia.
O Wisdom, who came forth from the mouth of the Most High, mightily reaching out from end to end, and ordering all things sweetly: come to teach us the way of prudence!