The Wait

The monastery has been a beehive of activity this Holy Saturday, a day which feels like the longest day of the year! Not only are the Sisters preparing spiritually for the great Vigil and feast of Easter but there have been many practical preparations as well! There was the chapel and choir to adorn first of all! A heartfelt THANK YOU for all who brought flowers to honor our Lord! Then there was the cleaning, the community room to decorate and don't forget the kitchen! There sisters were preparing for Guadeamus after the Vigil and a group of sisters decorated eggs for Easter morning breakfast!

Below are a few excerpts from Matins & Lauds of this morning. The first is the Oratio Jeremiae. Then there is the Christus Factus Est responsory and lastly the traditional Preces from the Dominican Rite. We alternate singing them in Latin and English and this year they were in English to an adapted tune written by +Sr. Maria of the Cross, OP. We know their rendering is much less than perfect but we hope you will enjoy them nonetheless!


Memory of the Cross


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