Rosary Sunday

On Sunday we held our biannual Rosary Pilgrimage with the largest crowd we've had in many years! Fr. John Vidmar, OP gave a beautiful sermon on living the mysteries of the rosary.  The stories we meditate on in the rosary are not just nice tales, a storybook and nothing more. They are real, they really happened, and we need to let them have their effect in our lives.

"Grant, we beseech thee, that meditating upon these mysteries of the most holy rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary we may imitate what the contain and obtain what they promise." 

After the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sr. Mary Jacinta's niece, Julianna, crowned the statue of our lady as we sang Regina Caeli.  The Pilgrimage ended with Benediction.

Unfortunately Fr. Vidmar had to slip away right after the pilgrimage to head back to Providence College, but we had a lovely visit with Julianna and her family as well as other friends who stopped by the parlor to say hello. 

Don't worry if you missed this May's Rosary Pilgrimage, there will be another one in October with the blessing of roses in place of the crowning of Mary! 


Blessing of the Gardens


Benvenido Padre Caesar!