MTS Week 2
The second week of the Monastic Theological Studies program is in full swing! This week Fr. Thomas Pietri is guiding the sisters through the book of Romans with the help of St. Thomas Aquinas. Actually, the course is called "Reading St. Paul Through the Eyes of St. Thomas". Also during these two weeks the sisters have been giving presentations on the two papers they wrote this past year for last year's courses.
Class photo with Fr. Andrew Hofer, OP who taught last week's course: "Introduction to St. Thomas Aquinas"
Back row (L-R): Sr. Fransica (Nairobi, Kenya), Sr. Mary Isabel (Menlo Park, CA), Sr. Dominic Marie (Farmington Hills, MI), Fr. Andrew Hofer, Sr. Mary Cecilia (Summit), Sr. Mary Austin (Los Angelos, CA), Sr. Clara Marie with the class's mascot (Farmington Hills, MI)
Front row (L-R): Sr. Mary Magdalene (Summit), Sr. Marie Therese (Farmington Hills, MI), Sr. Maria of Jesus (Farmington Hills, MI), Sr. Mary Veronica (Summit), Sr. Mary of the Angels (Los Angelos, CA), and Sr. Mary Jacinta (Summit).
Sr. Marie Therese created a jeopardy game in honor of Sr. Mary Magdalene's solemn profession. The topics were "Dominican History", "Church History, "Scripture", "Kansas", and "Sr. Mary Magdalene". Lots of fun was had by all!
During recreation one night Sr. Marie Therese and Sr. Mary of the Angels discovered our hula hoops!
Fr. Thomas Pietri teaches the second week's course.
Sr. Mary Magdalene and Sr. Francisca listen intently during class.
Sr. Maria of Jesus takes down notes.