"You are a priest forever..."
Yesterday we had the joy of having newly ordained Fr. John Maria Devaney, OP celebrate our community Mass. Fr. John has become a good friend of our monastery, after having first visited with his novice class in 2009. He was ordained on Friday, May 22 with seven other Dominican friars.
Fr. John is on the far left. Photo credit: www.opeast.org
Sometimes the "young dads", as they are called, are very nervous celebrating Mass for the nuns, but you would have thought Father had been saying Mass for years! After Mass, Father gave us his "first blessing".
Fr. John blesses Sr. Mary Daniel, our eldest sister.
After breakfast, Fr. John and his mother met us in the parlor for a visit. Father shared with us some reflections on offering Mass and being ordained. It was also wonderful to hear his mother's experience attending her son's ordination to the priesthood.
You are in our prayers, Fr. John!