MTS 2016 Week Two

The student sisters have made it through another intense week of classes. This week they had Fr. John Corbett, OP teaching moral theology. Fr. Corbett teaches at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington DC but is on sabbatical at the moment.  Don't let the soccer games fool you, these sisters have been studying hard! They continued this week with presenting their papers from last year's class in the afternoon. You could almost tell which sister was presenting that day when you noticed the shift from very nervous one night to very relieved the next! 

Now that this Summer's classes have finished the sisters return to their monasteries to begin this year's study & papers. Each sister is given a different topic from the class to study more in depth during the year and to write a paper on. Some of the sisters submit their papers to Dominican Monastic Search, a "spiritual and theological review" written by the Dominican nuns published by the Association of Monasteries of the Nuns of the Order of Preachers of North America.


Mass with Fr. Daniel Peterson


All study and no play...