Rosary Sunday

Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day for our May Rosary Pilgrimage. The May Pilgrimage always includes the crowning of Our Lady. This year Sr. Maureen's family helped with the crowning. Stephanie carried the crown on its cushion to the statue where Katie did the honors of placing it on Our Lady's head. 

Fr. Ambrose Little, OP was our guest preacher, and he did a wonderful job explaining why we go to Mary in prayer, especially in the rosary, and just what it means  (and does not mean!) to merit grace for ourselves or others. Truly a Dominican sermon! 

After the Pilgrimage (which included the praying of the rosary and Benediction) most of our guests headed downstairs for refreshments while others popped into the parlor to say hello to the nuns.

Don't worry if you missed this month's Pilgrimage, you will have another chance in October with another great guest preacher and the blessing of the roses!


50/50 Winners


Vocation Stories: Sr. Maria Johanna