Taking Shape!

Our blog has been a little quiet and uneventful this Lent, but the monastery sure hasn't been!

It's been over a month since the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of our new wing, and the footprint is taking shape! Most of the footing for the wing has been put in, and we are beginning to recognize the different features of the new wing. (Can you spot where the elevator will be in the pictures below?)

However, it often seems construction takes three steps forward and two steps back! The fickle New Jersey weather alternately freezes the ground and creates mud soup that sucks at the boots of the crew. One morning it seemed to take ages before the crew was able to free the treads of the frozen backhoe and get it up and working again!

Construction is once again at a stand-still today as Winter Storm Quinn pays us a visit. The pictures below are pre-storm yesterday and during the snow today. This is the second winter storm in a week and it seems there is still more snow on the way. Thankfully our mild temperatures mean it has been melting quickly, and we don't seem to be getting as much as has been predicted.

These pictures were taken from our cloister walk. It is a great (and safe!) place to watch the progress of the construction. You can often spot a sister or two out there coffee mug in hand watching our future wing take shape!


4th Sunday of Lent - Laetare


Third Sunday of Lent