Visit with the Novices!
This morning, May 16th, the novices of the Dominican Province of St. Joseph (also known as the Eastern Province) stopped by with their Novice Master, Fr. Michael Mary Dosch, OP. The novitiate house for the Province is located at St. Getrude's Priory in Cincinatti, Ohio. The brothers are in the midst of their tour of the Province and had already visited the monasteries in Farmington Hills, MI; Buffalo, NY; North Guilford, CT; Bronx, NY along with the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne and various priories and apostolates of the friars. Next they head south for the ordination of our brothers to the priesthood this Saturday.
The brothers joined us for Mass, and after breakfast we were able to visit with them in the parlor. We had a delightful time getting to know our new brothers and introducing them to our community...and Sabina, of course! Before joining us to pray Sext, the brothers sang a cappella one of Sr. Maria of the Cross's arrangements from the Summit Choir book. They are a talented bunch! We hope this visit won't be the last!
Please join us in praying for our brothers as they continue their formation as Dominican friars, as well as for the young men preparing to enter the Order this Summer (..and we hear there are quite a few!).