Lending a Hand
For weeks we've been watching the masons brick the (back) exterior of our new wing. Some of the sisters asked the project manager if we could try our hand at it, and he said yes! So last Thursday, we were given an opportunity to each lay a brick! At 10 am all the sisters interested and able (they had to climb a ladder up onto the "Fraco" scaffolding!) assembled at the construction site for a quick class in the art of brick laying. Adrien, the mason foreman, showed the sisters how to lay the mortar and place the brick. One by one the sisters took turns laying their bricks. It was a wonderful opportunity to actually 'help' build the new wing. You can find more pictures and videos of the sisters laying their bricks on our Centennial Campaign Facebook page.

Construction on the wing is a little behind because of the incredibly rainy weather we've had, but we are still excited with the progress! A good portion of the "slate" roof has been constructed and they are getting close to finishing the bricking of the back half of the building. Inside most of the rooms have been framed and duct work, wires, plumbing, and who knows what else is sprawling all over the interior. The elevator has arrived, and is currently sitting in pieces in the new exercise room until it is time to install it.