Solemnity of the Mother of God

It’s been awhile since we updated the blog, which means a lot has been going on! We rang in the New Year as usual with the drawing of patrons in our Chapter Hall after breakfast. The three youngest sisters (this year an aspirant, Sr. Lauren, and Sr. Lucia Marie) stand at the top of the Chapter Hall and call out each sister’s name (along with a few extras: Father chaplain, the community, the novitiate) . When her name is called each sister goes up to kneel before the baby Jesus in His crib and her patron “Saint” for the year, her quotation, and her prayer intention are read. Saint is in quotation marks because not all of the patrons are canonized Saints, for example, this year the patron “Saint” of the community is Christ the King! Once you’ve received your patron, etc. you kiss the baby Jesus and return to your place.

New Years Day is also the Solemnity of the Mother of God and thus a day with extra recreation, talking meals, and candy! Our benefactors and friends always give us delicious treats for Christmas so the little candy table gets quite a few visits! Since the morning (as well as the afternoon) were free recreation some of the sisters took advantage of the extra time to play one of our favorite games: Settlers of Catan. Since you can only play with 6 people and a few sisters had to come in and out due to their rosary times or kitchen duties we had a few teams so more sisters were able to play.

In the evening there was a performance by the Band of Beginners (aka the novitiate). The members and instruments may change, but the band remains! This time we had Sr. Maria Johanna on Clarinet, our aspirant on Classical Guitar, Sr. Lucia Marie on Piano, Sr. Lauren on flute, and Sr. Mary Ana on the Violin. They were very nervous! Some of the sisters are new to their instruments and some are teaching themselves to play. They did a lovely job preforming O Holy Night. Especially considering that the flute Sr. Lauren was playing (which is probably older than she is) is broken, the end piece being held on (crookedly) by a rubber band or two. She had taken it back apart to put away when the community called for an encore. Out came the purple rubber bands to put the flute back together!


Feast Day of St. Margaret of Hungary


Merry Christmas!