October in the Monastery

Where has October gone? It’s been awhile since we shared the goings on in our monastery, so here’s a peek at our very busy October!

On October 2nd our monastery celebrated 100 years since its founding on October 2, 1919. Fr. Ken Letoile, OP, Prior Provincial of the St Joseph’s Province of the Order of Preachers was the main celebrant with our auxiliary bishop Manuel Cruz in attendance. Friends of the monastery from far and near came together to celebrate this beautiful milestone. After Mass was celebrated in thanksgiving for the gift of 100 years, a reception was held in St. Dominic’s hall. We recently tore down the wall that separated the old sewing room from where the temporary gift shop had been in our basement. We turned the old sewing room into an extension of St. Dominic’s hall, almost doubling the space available for receptions, etc.

Our friend and photographer, Toni Greaves, offered to take our centenary community photo which utilized the foyer of the new wing. This was Siena’s first community photograph and she did well! You’ll have to wait, though, to see how the photo turned out!

Sisters prepared the roses that would be blessed at the October Rosary Pilgrimage.

Sunday, October 6th was our biannual Rosary Pilgrimage. The pilgrimage includes a procession with Our Lady’s statue, the Dominican rosary, Benediction and sermon by a guest preacher, this year Fr. David Mott, OP.

Sr. Mary Ana worked hard all summer in her pumpkin patch and her hard work paid off! There were so many pumpkins that a general invitation was offered to anyone who would like to carve a pumpkin (usually the purview of the novitiate).

The pumpkins were displayed for our annual All Hallows Eve (Halloween) party. (Surprised nuns “celebrate” Halloween? Follow this link to find out why!) This year we had a number of new Saints join the party!

Back Row L-R: Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Agnes of Montepulciano, St. George, St. Dominic, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Rose of Lima
Front Row L-R: St. Zdislava of Lemberk, Maria von Trapp, and a novice Dominican friar.

Every year Sr. Mary Ana comes up with the most creative costumes. This year’s St. Dominic costume did not disappoint!


Life Within the Cloister


Saint Hyacinth and Our Lady's Statue