Rosary Sunday
On Sunday we held our May Rosary Pilgrimage with guest preacher Fr. Timothy Danaher, O.P. Father is a Dominican friar of the St Joseph (Eastern) Province and currently serves as Parochial Vicar at St. Patrick’s parish in Philadelphia and as a volunteer chaplain at two hospitals in that area. After the Dominican rosary led by Vinny, Fr. Danaher gave a reflection on Mary and her role as mother in our lives.
The May Pilgrimage also always includes the crowning of Our Lady. This year Sr. Mary Magdalene’s niece, Isabella, flew in all the way from Kansas City, along with Sister’s mother, to crown Our Lady. She did a beautiful job!

After the Pilgrimage (which also included Benediction) most of our guests headed downstairs for refreshments while others browsed the gift shoppe or stopped by the new St. Thomas Aquinas parlor to say hello to the nuns.
If you missed this month's Pilgrimage, you will get another chance in October with another great guest preacher and the blessing of the roses! The Rosary Pilgrimages are (almost) always the first Sunday of May and October, mark your calendar so you don’t miss the next one!