Welcome, Sister Natalie!
This past Wednesday, we welcomed Natalie Saenz into the monastery to begin her postulancy. Sister Natalie is from Florida but attended school in New York, where she just graduated from Columbia with a PhD in Chemistry. Some of Sister Natalie’s family and a large group of her friends attended her entrance ceremony. The young woman dresses in the postulant jumper and veil and is welcomed by the prioress at the enclosure door. The community, which is waiting in the chapter hall, then processes to the choir where the prioress shows the new postulant to her seat in choir. After a reading and prayer, we sing the Salve, then go to the community room for a more informal greeting with hugs all around.
Please keep Sister Natalie in your prayers as she begins her postulancy!
The novitiate sisters: Sister Maria Julia, Sister Maria Rose, Sister Natalie, and Sister Marie Paul