Visit with the Novices

The novices from the Dominican Province of St. Joseph (the Eastern Province) stopped by for a visit this week with their Novice Master, Fr. Michael Mary Dosch, OP and their assistant Novice Master Fr. Darren Pierre, OP. Beginning from the novitiate house at St. Gertrude’s Priory in Cincinnati, OH, they have been on a tour around the province, visiting various priories and monasteries along the way. Their final stop is the priestly ordinations of our Dominican brethren in Washington, D.C. this Saturday.

The brothers arrived early in the morning and joined us for Mass. We were delighted to have 4 Dominican priests on the altar: our temporary chaplain, Fr. Dominic, along with Fr. Michael and Fr. Darren, and one of the novices, Fr. Ceslaus, who was a diocesan priest before entering the novitiate.

After breakfast, we visited with them in the parlor, sharing vocation stories and getting to know our new brothers. At the end of the visit, they sang for us - they are excellent singers! Please remember these brothers in your prayers as they continue in their formation and prepare to make their first profession of vows later in the year.


Reflection for the Ascension of the Lord


Reflection for the 6th Sunday of Easter