Heart of the Ark Podcast with Sr. Marie Paul

"We absorb His Love, and can't help but radiate it out" - Love as a Vocation with Sr. Marie Paul of the Holy Spirit

The Heart of the Ark podcast, produced by the Office for Evangelization in the Archdiocese of Newark, featured an interview with Sr. Marie Paul in one of their recent episodes. Jennifer Behnke and Sr. Marie Paul talk about her vocation story, how love can be a vocation, and what life in a cloistered monastery looks like. You can listen to the conversation between Jennifer and Sr. Marie Paul here: https://heartoftheark.fireside.fm/22

Sr. Marie Paul will be making her first profession of vows as an extern sister on July 29th - please keep her in your prayers!


Livestream of Sr. Marie Paul’s First Profession


Annual Retreat