First Profession of Sr. Marie Paul
Sister Marie Paul makes profession into the hands of our prioress, Sister Joseph Maria
This past Saturday was a joyful day as we witnessed the First Profession of Sister Marie Paul of the Holy Spirit, O.P., our youngest extern sister. Profession of vows takes place within the celebration of the Mass, which was offered by Fr. Peter Martyr Yungwirth, O.P. with Fr. Elias Henritzy, O.P., Fr. Columba Thomas, O.P., and Fr. Bill Holt, O.P. concelebrating and Br. Charles Rooney, O.P. assisting as deacon at the altar. Many family members were able to travel from Texas to be present for the occasion.
We rejoice with Sister in her consecration to God for the next three years, and give thanks for the gift that her vocation is to our community!