You are a Priest Forever!

Last week, we were delighted to have Fr. David Langford here to offer a Mass of Thanksgiving, just days after his ordination to the Priesthood. Fr. David is the brother of Sr. Lucia Marie and is a priest of the diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend in Indiana. After the ordination and his First Mass at his home parish, he and his family traveled out to New Jersey to visit. The sisters have known and been praying for Fr. David since he was a young college seminarian who would serve Mass when he came to visit, then as a deacon, and now finally as a priest.

A friend of Fr. David’s from seminary, Fr. Kevin Hyrcenko, who was just ordained for the diocese of Trenton, concelebrated the Mass with Fr. David and both priests offered us their First Priestly Blessing after the Mass. It was an exciting few days during Fr. David and his family’s visit, because two other priests from the Paterson diocese who were seminary friends of Fr. David’s stopped by to concelebrate Mass one morning, and a couple of Dominican friars stopped by the next, so we had three or four priests concelebrating each day - what a joy and blessing!

Please join us in praying for these new priests as they begin their ministry! May God continue to bless us with good and holy priests to serve our Church.


Annual Retreat


A Brief History of the Feast of Corpus Christi