Solemn Profession of Sr. Lucia Marie
On Saturday, March 2, Sister Lucia Marie made her solemn profession as a Nun of the Order of Preachers. The main celebrant for the Mass was her younger brother, Fr. David Langford, who was ordained to the priesthood just last year. Fr. Ambrose Little, OP officiated at the rite of Solemn Profession. Sister Lucia Marie’s parents and five siblings along with many other relatives and friends from across the country traveled to be present for the occasion.
The first and second readings of the Mass were chanted by Sr. Lucia Marie and the prioress, Sr. Joseph Maria. After the Gospel was chanted by Fr. Ambrose, Sr. Lucia Marie came out to the center of the sanctuary and prostrated. The prioress asked: “What do you seek?”, and she replied, “God’s mercy and yours.” Fr. David preached the homily, focusing on how, seemingly paradoxically, the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience are a path to genuine freedom and happiness.
The rite of solemn profession takes place after the homily. The prioress, Sr. Joseph Maria, asked Sr. Lucia Marie several questions regarding her intention to make solemn profession. Each time she replied, “I do wish and desire it, with the help of God and yours.” Sr. Lucia Marie then prostrated cruciform on the sanctuary floor while the Litany of the Saints was sung, asking the intercession of the heavenly choirs of saints and angels for an outpouring of grace on Sister.
Strengthened by the prayers of the faithful and the intercession of the saints and angels, Sister Lucia Marie then made her solemn profession, pronouncing:
“I, Sister Lucia Marie of the Visitation, make profession and promise obedience to God and to Blessed Mary and to Blessed Dominic and to the Master of the Order of Friars Preachers and to you, Sister Joseph Maria of the Holy Family, prioress of this monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary, Summit, New Jersey, and to your successors according to the Rule of Blessed Augustine and the Constitutions of the Nuns of the Order of Preachers, that I will be obedient to you, and to your successors until death.”
After exchanging the sign of peace with the prioress, Sister Lucia Marie then heard the following words: “Dearest sister, by this solemn profession you have given yourself to God and to his will. God himself, therefore, has consecrated you to himself through the ministry of the Church in preparation for the gospel of peace so that you may be his own heritage and he may be your heritage forever.”
Next followed the blessing of the veil, and her unblessed black veil was changed for the newly-blessed veil while the chant Amo Christum was sung.
Then the ring was blessed, and Sister received this sign of her consecration to God and his promise of perpetual faithfulness to her with the words:
“Receive this ring of divine faith, given in the name of the most Holy Trinity. Be faithful to Jesus, your Spouse, so that you may come to the wedding feast of eternal joy. ”
After Sister Lucia Marie gave the sign of peace to all the sisters of the community, the Mass continued on with the Liturgy of the Eucharist. At the conclusion of the Mass, a photo was taken with the priests and seminarians present (L to R): Fr. Leo Joseph Camurati, OP, Bruno-Thomas Mercier des Rochettes, OP, Fr. Damian Day, OP, Fr. Elias Henritzy, OP (our chaplain), Fr. Kevin Hyrcenko, Fr. Vic Leviste, Fr. Peter M. J. Stravinskas, Fr. David Langford, Deacon Seth Skjervheim, Fr. Ambrose Little, OP, Msgr. Gerard McCarren, Msgr. Robert E. Harahan, Fr. Emerson Francisco, Fr. Joseph Martin Hagan, OP, Fr. Patrick Seo, and seminarian Matt Follis. Not visible in the picture are Fr. Dennis Di Benedetto, Fr. Michael Barone, and seminarians Sam Martinez and Andrew Barnes, both from Sister’s home diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend in Indiana.
After signing the Book of Professions, Sister Lucia Marie headed down to the parlor for a reception with her family and friends. The cake was donated by Natale’s, a local bakery which has been very generous to our community. The first slice went to Sister’s mother!
It was a beautiful day of joy for Sister Lucia Marie and for the whole community. Blessed be God!
Photos of the profession were taken by Jeffrey Bruno. You can find more photos and a very nice article about the profession here: