Annual Retreat

"So I will allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak to her heart." Hosea 2:14

Tomorrow we begin our 8-day Annual Retreat. Our retreat master this year will be Fr. Ignatius Schweitzer, OP, currently prior of St. Catherine of Siena priory in New York City. He has a unique experience of the purely contemplative life for a Dominican friar because he spent 6 years living as a Carthusian monk after his ordination to the priesthood. He has created a website to help people learn more about the mystical life, which you can visit at:

The Cloister Shoppe will not be filling orders during retreat.

You may still place orders which will be filled after our retreat.
The monastery gift shop will remain open.

During retreat the office schedule will be slightly changed:

  • Rosary & Sext 11:30 AM

  • Conference in Vespers 5:10 PM

Please keep us in your prayers during this time of retreat, and know that you will be in ours as well!


Livestream of Sister Maria Rose's First Profession


A Beautiful St. Dominic's Day