Blessed be God in His Gifts!
We extend our heartfelt thanks to the kind benefactor who provided us with our amazing new pressure cooker! May God bless you; you are in our prayers.
For a nun, there are few words that prompt as much joy as: “Food donation in the fridge!” The heart lifts, the mind is raised to glorious things – we may have sour cream at supper.
Sour cream.
We float on a smile for the rest of the day.
Of course, we all know that it isn’t really the sour cream that brings on that smile... or the full-cooked Sunday meals throughout the year, or the precious Friday Fish. It’s not the flowers for the chapel or the bags and bags of fresh fruit and vegetables, or other pantry staples. It’s not even the new pressure cooker!
It’s the wonderful and sometimes immense thought that someone, in between all the challenges and the fullness of their own life, has looked at our vocation and thought, “Yes. That’s something I want to be a part of. I want to help these women do what God is calling them to do.”
We don’t need to tell you how much that act of love means to us.
And how readily we see it in so many ways! There are our dynamite volunteers, keeping the Gift Shop running smoothly, greeting visitors and answering phones. There are those who clean our chapel monthly, or run errands for us, who help us with our grocery shopping and serve as drivers to take our sisters to their doctor’s appointments. There are the monetary donations that keep our building standing and the future growth of our community looking so bright, which is to say nothing of the fulfillment of some pertinent needs on our Amazon ‘Wish List’! Or, the most cherished gift – the support and encouragement of your prayers.
In whatever way you give, it would be impossible to keep the monastery going without you and this is especially true of our first and greatest benefactors - our parents - who have given so deeply of themselves to Our Lord and his Church by giving us our precious sisters.
We are touched daily by the love of God through all of you, and our gratitude is pretty hard to fully put into words.
So, we’ll just say:
Thank you.
May God bless you for your generosity and may our prayers be a source of many graces as you continue to follow Him. As it says in our Constitutions, “Let the nuns share gratefully the riches of their prayers and merits with the benefactors who share with them their own spiritual and temporal resources.” (Book of Constitutions of the Nuns of the Order of Preachers, 13 II)
We do, and so very happily.
If you would like to contribute in any way to the smooth running of the monastery,
we would love your help!
Please CLICK HERE for some support suggestions from the nuns.