Celebrating the Prioress’s Feast Day

Last week on the feast of the Visitation, we celebrated the feast day of our prioress, Sr. Joseph Maria. The feast day celebration always begins at evening recreation the night before. Each sister greets the prioress and wishes her a happy feast day. Then the festivities begin. The novitiate arranged a 14th century Noel for flute, oboe, harmonica, and guitar. You might think those would make a strange pairing, but it sounded beautiful! The celebration continued on the next day, the actual feast of the Visitation. In the morning, Sr Mary Veronica arranged a game of large-sized Settlers of Catan. She and her helpers created an enormous game board and wrapped boxes from our online store’s shipping department in various colors of wrapping paper to create the pieces. All the sisters were split into 6 different teams, seated at different tables. The teams had fun attempting to strategize and make trades with the other teams.

In the afternoon, the Black Veil Bonnies Band put on a concert entitled “SCB’s Greatest Hits” - “SCB” being the acronym for our hymnal, the Summit Choirbook. There were so many sisters in the band that they didn’t all fit in the picture - the picture only shows about half of the band! It featured an eclectic assortment of instruments: guitar, piano, violins, autoharp, flute, oboe, tone chimes, and tambourines. The audience enjoyed the concert but the band enjoyed it even more!

To close out the day, the novitiate sisters put on a hilarious puppet show play of “Tobit” which featured “moosic” from “Moolan” along with a number of cow puppets at random intervals.

It was a beautiful day with lots of fun to celebrate our prioress’s feast day!


A Brief History of the Feast of Corpus Christi


Reflection for Pentecost Sunday