First Mass and Visit with Fr. Lynx Soliman

Shortly after our visit with Fr. Josemaria OP, we were blessed with a visit from another newly ordained priest - this time, a priest from our own archdiocese of Newark, Fr. Lynx Soliman. Fr. Lynx celebrated a First Mass for us in the morning and offered us his blessing, then joined us for a visit in the parlor afterwards.

Fr. Lynx has been coming to visit the community for years as a seminarian. The seminarians of the archdiocese reached out years ago asking if they could be paired with a sister as a prayer partner. The tradition has continued, and each sister has “her” seminarian(s) for whom she prays. The seminarians stop by regularly - perhaps once or twice a year - to visit with the community (although unfortunately, COVID has meant that we haven’t seen them for a while now). Fr. Lynx was paired with Sr. Denise Marie who has been faithfully praying for him.

Please keep Fr. Lynx and his priestly ministry in your prayers!


Jubilee 2021: Ivory of Chastity


Beneath Mary's Mantle: St. Juan Macias (1585 to 1645)