New Statues!

We have just installed new statues of St. Michael and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and are excitedly awaiting the arrival of a third statue - one of St. Dominic (hopefully in time for his feast on August 8!). They were generously donated by benefactors.

For quite a while, the effects of weather had been becoming more and more painfully obvious on our outdoor statues. The Sacred Heart was disintegrating badly, with his fingers almost gone and the details of his face worn away. St. Michael was also in poor condition. The statues were well-beloved, though, and we were sad to see them go even though they were falling apart. Happily, the new statues are beautiful replacements. The Sacred Heart is pretty much identical to the old statue, and the new St. Michael is very similar. The St. Dominic statue which we are still awaiting will be a new addition.

The statues arrive…

… and are now installed. We hope that our new statues will watch over us for many years to come!


A fine Spring morning...


Mandatum 2021