Summer gardening

We’ve had a stretch of lovely summer weather lately - cool but sunny - the kind of weather that just makes you happy to be alive, and makes you want to be outside! The gorgeous weather combined with a community retreat day last week giving us some extra free time to spend outside means that the gardens are looking beautiful.

Right now we’re eating snap peas from the garden as well as the thinnings of the lettuce patch. When you plant lettuce, you plant more than you intend to grow. Then, once your seeds come up, you pull up the plants that are less strong, making room for the bigger ones to grow. This is pretty normal for most gardening, but the advantage of lettuce is that you can eat the baby lettuce that you thin out!

The cherry tomatoes are looking big and healthy but still green, so we have a bit to go on those. We’ve also got regular tomatoes, peppers, okra, cucumbers, squash, and more which are still growing! The bunnies have been really enjoying our garden this year, so we’ve tried to protect some of their favorites with chicken wire cages. Unfortunately the big fence around the gardens doesn’t do much to stop them - in fact, it really just keeps the dog out who might otherwise catch them, meaning the gardens are now one of the safest places for the bunnies! Oh well!


Hard at work in the woodshop


Jubilee 2021: Ivory of Chastity