From the Chronicles: First Grand Pilgrimage

Rosary Pilgrimages have been a part of the tradition of our monastery from the early beginnings of our foundation, but they came about almost by accident - although of course, in the providence of God, there are no accidents! The sisters were settling into a large house on New England Avenue, adjacent to the lot on which the current monastery was later built, where they arrived in October 1919. Our Chronicles describe how the “First Grand Pilgrimage” on Sunday May 22, 1921 came about:

Description of the “First Grand Pilgrimage” in the Monastery Chronicles.

At last the dream of years has been realized at our little Monastery in Summit; a Pilgrimage to our Lady of the Rosary. How privileged we feel that the first Pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Rosary in America was made on our grounds.

We had been settled in Summit but a short time when a band of girls from Paterson, made a Pilgrimage to our Monastery, to our great surprise. Soon after we were pressed by our friends and benefactors to permit a big Pilgrimage to our Queen of the Rosary. So with our Right Reverend Bishop’s permission a beautiful stone grotto was erected for the massive Rosary Group which had been artistically decorated by Bernadini.

The date of the Pilgrimage was set for the third Sunday of May, which was the twenty-second. It was made known by means of our mimeograph circulars, and a well written article in the Catholic News. Donations were at the same time solicited for the Grotto.

The confidence of the people made evident in their letters, and their generous donations, makes us feel that many in the world are true children of Mary.

Every day of the month of May we had as one our main intentions, in the devotions to our Blessed Mother, an increase of her honor under the title of Our Lady of the Rosary, through the expected Pilgrimage. A Novena too preceded the Day of Pilgrimage, in which we had invited all who wished to join us at their homes.

Of course there was much to be done for that day. We had beautiful oxidized medals stamped with the Rosary Group as souvenirs, and we made other religious articles, which we thought the Pilgrims might like to procure.

The day at last arrived and the weather was just what we desired. This was one of our petitions granted. The Grotto was beautifully decorated with palms and flowers, and three large brass heart shaped vigil light stands were placed around the Rosary Group.

Already before noon Pilgrims began to arrive, and at half past three o’clock, the time set for the devotions, hundreds were visiting the Grotto.

The Vicar General, Reverend Monsignor Sheppard was expected to dedicate the Shrine, but as he did not come, our good Dominican Father Reilly assisted by Reverend Father Cyril Coudupere O.P. performed this ceremony. The dedication of the Grotto was followed by the blessing of the Rosary Group.

First public Rosary Pilgrimage Sunday May 22, 1921

After the singing of Come Holy Ghost by the Pilgrims, a very eloquent sermon was preached by Reverend Father Reilly. Though principally on our Blessed Mother, the subject matter was very suitable even for non-Catholics, whom we were sure were present.

Benediction of the most Blessed Sacrament was given on the grounds, and it was a most impressive sight to behold. This large assemblage of people, young and old, men and women on bended knee singing the hymns for Benediction.

The hymn Holy God We Praise Thy Name was sung in conclusion.

After this first pilgrimage, public enthusiasm only grew. The monastery and grotto shrine quickly became a popular place for pilgrimage and Rosary Sunday became a monthly affair with more solemn celebrations held on certain occasions. Although the first beginnings of the Rosary Pilgrimages took even the Sisters by surprise, they immediately began to promote devotion to Our Lady through these pilgrimages enthusiastically. We have a file of newspaper clippings containing advertisements for Rosary Sunday as well as articles describing the events and even cures. One newspaper article reports a crowd of 14,000 faithful present for the devotions! The tagline for one advertisement reads “You cannot go to Rome on pilgrimage, but you can go to Summit.”

While we no longer have crowds of 14,000 pilgrims attending our Rosary Sundays, the tradition continues with pilgrimages twice a year in May and October honoring Our Lady of the Rosary. And it is just as true now as it was 1oo years ago - you cannot go to Rome on pilgrimage (especially when a worldwide pandemic closes borders), but you can go to Summit!

Join us as we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of our Rosary Pilgrimages at Rosary Sunday, May 2 2021 at 3:00pm


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