The Memories Continue

Here are a few more photos of our celebration! Special thanks to our roving photographer, Stephen Michalski!

Sr. Denise Marie and Sr. Maria Conception talk with Fr. Matt Mauriello of Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Bridgeport, CT.

The long reception line begins at the Enclosure gate and snakes around the monastery.

Fr. Michael Andreano and Archbishop Myers head for the luncheon before all the sandwiches disappear!

Sr. Judith Miryam poses with her sister, Ellen Archer and her brother Vince Boneski in front of the beech tree planted in honor of their father, Vince Boneski who died 2 weeks before Sr. Judith Miryam's Solemn Profession. This is the first time her family has seen the tree.

What is Sr. Maria discussing so energetically with Dr. and Mrs. Donahue and Paul?

Mauren Brennan, Sr. Mary Ellen Timothy and Linda Michalski give the photographer and cheerful wave!

Eighty For Those Who Are Strong


Celebrating 800 years in the Heart of the Holy Preaching!