This illustration is from an Italian Dominican breviary
(1931). Pope St. Pius V is next to St. Thomas Aquinas
(easily recognizable by his girth and chest star; next is
St. Dominic (who is the other kneeling friar?). As to
the identity of the two friars on the right. Could they
St. Peter Martyr and St. Vincent Ferrer?!
Still, the big question is: WHERE are the women?!

Today we celebrate the Feast of All Dominican Saints, rejoicing in the shining examples of our "brothers and sisters blessed," begging that, through their intercession, they may be "our companions in an eternal festival in heaven." From the early days of the Order, we were very conscious of our saints and promoted their memory, the efficacy of their intercession, the light of their example, and, yes, the challenge they offer us, in following after their footsteps. Dominicans all (including those "in potentia"!) will do well to "listen" to our Dominican brother, Bl. Benedict XI's , rousing exhortation:

"My beloved, you must therefore consider and think with watchful attention about the most firm foundations of the Order which have been laid before you, your famous leaders, strong warriors, unwearied soldiers. Of these, some have already reached their heavenly homeland and are numbered solemnly in the catalogue of the saints, guests at the heavenly banquest and secure possessors of the eternal country. Because you are not any less worthy than these ought to be faithful imitators and to follow in their sure footsteps without faltering. These footsteps are so clear to you, such sure examples of religious and ordered lviing which they have left behind for you. And, having this Order, worthy of such perfect beauty, and with so many graces by the clemency of the Holy See, raised up by gifts and strengthened by privileges, you ought also to preserve this, spotless, from now on free from any sin...In this manner you will acquire the glory of eternal brightness for yourselves and for your neighbors, as it is fitting for your holiness." (translation by Fr. Becket Soule, O.P.)

As our chaplain, Fr. Kieran Fergus, would put it, "Let's do it!"

Beyond celebrating our saints today, we will soon be celebrating (at 3 p.m.) the entrance of our postulant, Greta Enriquez (soon-to-be "Sr. Greta"). May all the Dominican saints intercede for her and her family!


