Holy Saturday has often been called the "longest day of the year" and at least in this monastery it does seem that this day just drags on as we await the glory of the Resurrection of Jesus! The solemnity of the Office of the day continues and the constant putting on and off of cappas bears evidence of the sadness of this day, yet the preparations in the Chapel, Choir, cloister and all about the house evoke feelings of excitement!

No one had much time to stop and take photos and most sisters were feeling like the last thing they wanted was a camera on them. However, we caught a few sisters in the action.

Sacristan, Sr. Judith Miryam gives THE LOOK! Do NOT interrupt the sacristan unless you are offering to help!

Sr. Denise Marie and Sr. Greta pause from colouring our Easter eggs to smile for the camera. Wait a second! Sr. Denise Marie was busy decorating the kitchen, too!

Sr. Denise Marie and Sr. Greta put out the Sisters' Easter baskets on their desks in the community room. You're never too old for chocolate! Each sister also found a ribbon tied package of scratch pads on her desk, a gift of Sr. Denise Marie's cousin who is a printer. Scratch pads! What every nun needs AND wants!

Sr. Mary Martin and Sr. Mary Elizabeth prepare a tray of crackers and cheese for the gaudeamus after the Easter Vigil. Meanwhile, other sisters were busy decorating the refectory and community room. And the sacristan?

Still hard at work! Only 1 more hour to get it all done!


