Dominican Novice Brothers Visit!
Early winter brings with it the welcome ritual of seeing novice master, Fr. Walter Wagner, O.P., again, and meeting our new novice brothers during their annual winter "road trip." Our province is blessed with eight novices this year. Eight for the Eight Beatitudes!!
After arriving just in time for Office of Readings and None at 3:00 p.m. the brethren joined us in the parlor for conversation, cocoa, and cookies. After both friars and nuns had shared their vocation stories, we enjoyed the homemade butterscotch cookies (baked by Sr. Mary Catharine and Sr. Angela) and the cocoa (whipped up by Sr. Judith Miryam via "Cocomotion").
There's an adage in the Order that goes, "When you meet one Dominican, you've met one Dominican!" and this was manifested yet again in the delightfully distinct personalities and gifts of our novices, and the diverse paths which brought them to the Order. There are profiles of each brother on the province's vocation website and we invite you to read them as to better inform your prayers for the perseverance of these promising friar preachers-in-the-making. Just click here.
Before leaving, Fr. Wagner presented us with a special Jubilee gift, a lovely icon, "Apostola Apostolorum," depicting St. Mary Magdalene (one of the principal patrons of the Order) preaching Christ's Resurrection to the Apostles. Father connected our mission of "preaching" to our brethren through our lives of joyful witness and loving support to her mission. Thank you, Fr. Walter and brothers for this powerful remembrance of our vocation!!