Although many know of our apostolate of the Perpetual Rosary, most do not know that a number of lay people share in this work with us through our Perpetual Rosary Association and have done so from the early days of our monastery. Members of the Association commit themselves to reciting the Rosary (either before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament or at home) once a month at an hour of their choice.

In fact, the Perpetual Rosary Associations already extant in France in the mid-nineteenth century inspired Rev. Damien-Marie Saintourens, O.P. and Mother Rose of St. Mary Werhle, O.P., to found the Dominican Sisters of the Perpetual Rosary at Calais, France, in 1880. Fr. Saintourens, O.P., understood that the Dominican "apostleship" of the sisters was exercised primarily through their praying of the Rosary. The importance of the sisters' collaboration and connection with the Perpetual Rosary lay "associates" were radical ideas for those times. He truly showed a prophetic understanding of the role of the laity in the Church, one which foreshadowed in many ways the thought of the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council.

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Dominican Novice Brothers Visit!


How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place, O Lord!