Welcome, Sr. Mary Jeremiah!

Yesterday we had the joy of welcoming Sr. Mary Jeremiah, OP from the Monastery of the Infant Jesus, Lufkin, Texas, into our monastery enclosure. What began initially as an idea to ask the Lufkin Monastery if Sr. Mary Jeremiah could come to give a course on St. Catherine of Siena to our novitiate, turned into a request for Sister to come for a year or so to help out at our monastery.

There was Sr. Mary Jeremiah peacefully going about her duties in the monastery when literally out of the blue, her prioress, Sr. Mary John, shared with her our request! Thanks to the generosity of both Sr. Mary Jeremiah and our Lufkin sisters, we will have the privelege of having Sister with us for a year or so. She will be helping out with teaching classes in the novitiate and running the print shop.

Sr. Mary Jeremiah is not only a theologian, a prolific writer, and an expert on St. Catherine of Siena, she is also talented in graphic design and is well, a lot of fun! Her enthusiasium and love for the Church and the Dominican Order is infectious!

Sr. Mary Jeremiah is the author of numerous articles, a book on St. Catherine of Siena, titled: The Secret of the Heart, A Theological Study Of Catherine Of Siena's Teaching On The Heart Of Jesus. She translated: A Life for Unity : Sister Maria Gabriella by Paul B Quattrocchi and has several "homilies" online at The Word: a dose of Dominican Preaching.

Through our Lady's intercession we ask our Lord to bless and reward our Lufkin sisters for responding so generously to our request and we pray that this year of mutual sisterly sharing will bear much fruit in both of our monasteries as we embark on the next century of Dominican monastic life!

St. Augustine said concerning monastic life, "Whoever is willing to live under one roof with me has God for his possession!" We pray that Sr. Mary Jeremiah will echo this profound insight of our "grand-father", St. Augustine as she lives with her Summit Sisters!


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