Living at the Heart of the Holy Preaching: the Cloistered Dominican Nuns

New Springtime-A Journal of Faith and Culture has just come out with their special World Youth Day issue and it carried an article by our Sr. Mary Catharine on Dominican monastic life. New Springtime is a publication of the Australian Catholic Students Association.

Living at the Heart of the Holy Preaching: the Cloistered Dominican Nuns

Anyone who knows anything about the Dominican Order knows that their mission in the Church is preaching and teaching. Dominican friars and apostolic sisters serve on every continent of the world and many secular priests and laity are associated to the Order and its mission by belonging to the Fraternities of St. Dominic (commonly known as the “Third Order”.)

What comes as a surprise is that at the heart of this vast family of St. Dominic are the contemplative nuns whose hidden lives of prayer and penance are “an example of that reconciliation of all things in Christ which the brethren proclaim in their preaching of the Word”. MORE


PREACH THE WORD: Dominincans and WYD 2008


The "Sights And Sounds" of Summit!