Summer Studies

Summer is the traditional time when we have lectures as part of our ongoing formation as contemplative nuns. Study is a very important aspect of our Dominican life for as our constitutions tell us, "It not only nourishes contemplation, but also removes the impediments which arise through ignorance and informs the practical judgment."

This summer it seems that all our lectures are coming at once!
For the past few days Fr. Richard Mary Jastrzebski,OP gave us 3 lectures on "The Philosophy of Myth" looking at the Lord of the Rings as a way of reflecting on Catholic values and most especially the life of virtue.

Fr. Rick, as he is called by our community has been coming for regular visits ever since he was a young student brother. Since his family lives nearby he would be a regular fixture as server at daily Mass when home visiting. Then he was ordained a deacon and it was with maternal fondness that we listened to him preach his first homily to us. (He said it made him very nervous.) Then the great day came when he was ordained to the Priesthood! He offered his Mass of Thanksgiving here with the reception afterwards. It was an occasion to be remembered in more ways than one! You can read it HERE

Fr. Richard Mary Jastrzebski,OP lectures to the community.

Sr. Denise Marie enjoys the discussions.
Sr. Joseph Maria and Sr. Lauren are engrossed...or are they just memorized with the moive clips!

Don't take it so seriously, Sr. Mary Catharine! Honest, it comes out fine in the end!


Summer Studies--Part II


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