Summer Studies--Part II
Fr. John Corbett, OP arrived Friday afternoon to give us a weekend's worth of lectures (some 5 hours) on St. Thomas' treatment of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. In his engaging and profound yet often humorous way ("Did I tell you about the time I????") Fr. Corbett brought us through St. Thomas' three different treatment of the Gifts: in his commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, in the Prima Secundae and the Secunda Secundae of the Summa Theologica.
Fr. Corbett is a regular visitor to our monastery and we always look forward to the way he gently but persistently stretches our minds and hearts to the things of God. The matter may often be more than our minds can take in at once but Father presents it in such a way that it moves us to want to study Sacred Truth more and to live our lives more fully under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Moreover, Fr. Corbett rarely tells the same story twice!
Sr. Denise Marie and Sr. Lauren take copious notes.
Sr. Mary Rose Dominic enjoys one of Father's humorous examples that gets across a profound point.
Notice the improved quality of these photos? We just got a new camera as one of the sister, um, accidently wacked the other against a door and damaged it. In her defense she was trying to keep from falling down the stairs!