Elevator Maze
The Dominican Sisters of Springfield have graciously offered their motherhouse for our meeting and in the ways of God's Providence this is truly significant because it is here in 1975 where the monasteries formed the Conference of the Dominican Nuns. Now, 33 years later we are having our first General Assembly as a canonically erected Association.
Our opening Mass was held in the main motherhouse chapel with the community here. Archbishop Caejetan Kelly, OP was the main celebrant. Fr. Dominic Izzo, OP and Fr. Brian Pierce, OP are also here helping us. Fr. Dominic is our "friar-consultant" and Fr. Brian is the Master's Promoter.
Yesterday was our first full day. It was scheduled to be a day of reflection, rest and leisure. Fr. Dominic gave us two presentations, one in the morning and one in the evening. In the afternoon we spent several hours with Fr. Brian discussing a recent letter that the Master wrote to us. Coffee and snacks got us through!
The biggest challenge is remembering what building you are in and what elevator to take! Each building is connected by a ground floor passageway. Depending on which elevator you are in and in which building that means LL or G. Easy right? Not when you have an elevator of nuns. "Sisters, the limit is 18!"
We take our meals with the community here and enjoying sharing and hearing about each other's lives. Several of our nuns are transfer sisters from this community and yesterday I had the privilege of having breakfast with Sr. Maria Cabrini's (Lufkin) 8th grade teacher!
For the rest of our time here our Office and Mass will be held each day in the tiny chapel in Siena Hall. We're pretty sure Fr. Dominic and Fr. Brian know this. We'll find out soon enough!
Pictures? Well, so far, Sr. Judith Miryam has been clicking away. It was only last evening that she and Sr. Maria Christine were able to access the office where she can hook up her computer. She'll be busy today providing news for our monasteries back home.