Moving Along

Sr. Mary Martin makes a comment during the general discussions. Looking on are, Sr. Mary Raphel (Los Angeles) and Sr. Mary Vincent (Farmington). Sr. Mary Catharine is busy writing in the background while Sr. Mary of the Sacred Heart (Farmington) consults her handout.

Yesterday and today have been full with lectures and discussions on the theme of our assembly: Liturgy: the Heart of our Life. Yesterday, Sr. Kathleen Harmon SNDdeN who is a long-time friend of our monastery and has worked extensively with us teaching us voice gave two presentations on "The Presence of God in the Liturgy. It was followed by two energetic discussions on liturgical questions. Today, Fr. Brian Pierce, OP gave presentations on "The Presence of God in the Word." For our discussions we shared in small groups.

Sharing goes on during the "20 minute break that lasts 30 minutes". The coffee pot gets lots of attention for without it some of us would fall asleep! Not because of the subject matter but because for many of us we are in a different time zone and still adjusting, especially the Sisters from our two monasteries in California.

Last night the prioresses had a LONG meeting that went way past Compline. Didn't I hear one prioress at supper say, "What are we going to talk about anyway?" One big advantage to not being a prioress is that we got a free night!

The weather is beautiful! Just perfect. During the little free time that we have sisters take advantage of it by going for walks. Often sisters pair up with another sister from the community here. We enjoy getting to know the sisters. My goal has been to eat with a different sister at each meal so as to get to know both the sisters from the community and the nuns from the different monsteries better.


The Assembly...continued


Elevator Maze