Honoring Our Lady of the Rosary

In the Dominican Order the first Sunday of October is "Rosary Sunday" when we honor Our Lady of the Rosary. Pope Pius V designated this day in 1571 after the great victory of Lapanto. Later, the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary was transferred to October 7th and while we celebrate the feast on this day we still celebrate Rosary Sunday as do many of our monasteries with a special "Rosary Pilgrimage." Also traditional on this day is the blessing of the roses, a custom that goes back to the 1500's.

This year we had as our guest preacher Rev. Bro. Bruno Mary Shah, OP who is a student at the Dominican House of Studies preparing for priestly ordination in 2009. If Bro. Bruno was nervous about preaching he certainly didn't show it as he took a nap in the morning and overslept through Office and even dinner!

Accompanying him was Bro. Isaiah Mary Molano, OP, a student brother from the Western Province studying in Washington this year. This was Brother's first visit to our monastery but we hope not his last!

Bro. Bruno Mary and Bro. Isaiah Mary

When Bro. Bruno first came with his novitiate group several years ago and met us all in the parlor he innocently mentioned that he comes from Westwood, NY. Sr. Virginia Mary remarked, "I lived there, too!" Upon further conversation they learned that Bro. Bruno's family lives in the SAME apartment building that Sr. Virginia Mary lived in many years ago!

Brother is a convert from Prostestantism and he told us that when his parents moved to the apartment they hoped there was a church near by. Well, there sure was! A Catholic church dedicated to St. Therese and it was right across the street! After Bro. Bruno became a Catholic his family followed him into the Church and they are thrilled that their parish couldn't be any closer!

Bro. Bruno came to the Order by way of the circuitous route of the Carthusians, the Christian Brothers and yes, even the Jesuits-- who even recommended that he join the Dominican Order!

Bro. Bruno Mary and Sr. Virginia Mary

Appropriately, Sr. Virginia Mary has "adopted" Bro. Bruno Mary, accompanying his journey to the priesthood through her life of prayer.

