Several months ago, Toni Greaves, a professional photographer, came to our monastery many times spending long days with her camera. You've seen some of her photos in past postings.
We would like to share with you some of her work, particularly her 6 minute multimedia presentation entitled RADICAL LOVE. Also, posted on her site are photos from the presentation and some portrait photos. (Which we all find just "not us"!)
To watch the video, go the menu at the left-hand side of the page where it says "multimedia". Be patient. It takes a bit of time for it to load but you can click the play button once it starts loading. It's well worth the wait and I think you will be surprised at Toni's beautiful work.
In other news we are happy to share with you that Sr. Lauren will be beginning her novitiate and receiving the habit on November 1st, solemnity of All Saints. Please pray for her as she prepares for this next stage of discernment and formation.
Yes, she knows what name she wants. Do you want to guess? The winner will receive a gift from our Seignadou Soaps shop. Remember, every sister takes some form of Mary in her name and we don't usually take double names. So for example, Sr. Maria Rosary Bede most likely won't be it!