For the monastery chronicles

Since the profession of our 2 sisters in March we now have 6 sisters in temporary vows. As far as anyone can figure out this is the first time in our 94 years that we have had so many in temporary vows at once. And for people who love statistics, with 17 sisters in the community this means that 41% of our sisters (temporary professed and 1 novice) are in formation. Of course, this will change in a few months when Sr. Joseph Maria makes Solemn Profession on May 31st. To mark this little history-in-the-making moment in our community the sisters gathered in the Choir for a photo.  Give them 25 years and you can hear them saying, "Oh, Sister Mary Veronica, you were so thin!" "Look at you Sr. Mary Jacinta, you were so tall!"  If we still have things like webpages then we'll let you know!

Please pray for our sisters in formation and for many young women to follow them in this beautiful life of praise and thanksgiving for the salvation of souls. Please pray for the young women who are in the process of applying for postulancy and aspirancies as well.

formation sisters easter 2013 temp profession easter 2013


Two chants from Easter Sunday Vespers


Year of Faith Reflection Corner