'Nun Run'!
On Monday afternoon six young women from the University of Dallas arrived at our monastery as part of their 'nun run'. For those who do not know, a 'nun run' is when a group of girls who are discerning a vocation to religious life hop in a car and spend a few days or a week hopping from monastery to monastery (or convent to convent!) to find out about each and see if maybe, just maybe one feels like home!
This 'nun run' began with a 22 hour drive from their University in Irving, Texas to the Poor Clare monastery in Barhamsville, Virginia. You can see pictures from their visit with the Poor Clare novices at their blog. Monday they drove up to our monastery in New Jersey for a brief, less-than-24-hour visit. The community visited with the girls during Monday evening recreation. Sr. Mary Magdalene was very excited that two of the discerners were from Kansas....one even from Sister's hometown!
Above is a group picture with the young women and our community (minus four nuns and a dog).
This afternoon they hopped back into their cars and were off to see the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal in the Bronx. After that there will be stops at Steubenville, Ohio, our Dominican Monastery in Buffalo, NY and then a last visit with the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia (better known as the Nashville Dominicans) in Nashville, Tennessee.
Please pray for these young women as they discern God's path for them!