Vestition Retreat
Last night after recreation one of our postulants, Sr. Maria, began her 8-day vestition retreat. At the close of recreation Sr. Maria knelt before our prioress, Sr. Mary Martin, to receive her blessing before going into retreat.
Sr. Maria receives the prioress's blessing prior to beginning her vestition retreat.
There is no formal prayer for the blessing, just whatever the Holy Spirit inspires the prioress with at the moment. The blessing tends to be preceded by the usual teasing "Have a good retreat, Sr. Cunegunda!" and "This is the last time we'll talk to Sr. Maria!" ...because the next time she will have a new name! Can anyone guess what it is? The prioress, the novice mistress, and Sr. Maria herself are the only three who know what her religious name will be, despite numerous attempts to extract the information from them!
Please keep Sr. Maria in your prayers during these next 8 days as she prepares to receive the Dominican habit and begin her novitiate on August 8th.