Novena to St. Dominic-Day ONE

Blessed Juana and Felix, parents of St. Dominic

We're a day late in starting our Novena to St. Dominic so we'll post 2 posts today!

During this Novena in preparation for the Solemnity of Our Holy Father, St. Dominic we'll share with you source texts on the life and holiness of St. Dominic along with some great images!

From the Libellus of Bl. Jordan of Saxony

In a village of Spain called Caleruega, in the Diocese of Osma, there was, in the year of Our Lord's Incarnation 1170, a man called Felix, and he married a women by the name of Jane. They were reputable according to worldly status, and devoted in Christian piety before God (Apolda, p. 562D).

He had two brothers, both unusually virtuous. One of them, a priest entirely devoted to works of mercy in a hospice for the poor, was known for his miracles during and after his life. The other brother, whose name was Mannes, led a saintly contemplative life. After serving God for a long time in the Order, he died a peaceful death. There were also two nephews, both of whom led a holy and praiseworthy life in the Order (Frachet, II, 1).


Pray for us, blessed father, St. Dominic,
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray, O most enlightened teacher of divine truth, Holy Father St. Dominic, who taught what was profitable for salvation and made yourself all things to all men, that you might win all to Christ; help us to close our ears and hearts to all false doctrine and whatever may be harmful to our souls and to open them joyfully to the truths of Holy Church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Novena to St. Dominic-Day Two


Vestition Retreat