Welcome, Sr. Marie!

Today, on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we welcomed Marie Langford as she entered the enclosure to begin her postulancy. Sr. Marie comes to us from the great state of Indiana and recently graduated from IPFW (Indiana University–Purdue University Fort Wayne) with a degree in electrical engineering.

The weather was beautiful for sister's entrance, but it was just a little hot in the Chapter Hall today waiting for the procession to begin! Thankfully the ceremony booklets doubled as fans! During the entrance ceremony the postulant is welcomed into the enclosure by the prioress and then is led through the chapter hall where the community is assembled to choir as the community chants Psalm 122 "I rejoiced when I heard them say: 'Let us go to God's house.'" The new postulant's family is invited to come up to the opened choir grille to witness the ceremony. Once the prioress has led the new postulant to her choir stall the novice mistress reads the reading from Ephesians 3:14-21. Then the prioress prays for the postulant with these words: 

Lord, you have given your servant Marie the desire to serve you.
Complete the work you have begun.
Make her gift of self whole-hearted and bring this first beginning to its perfect end.  
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.

The ceremony closes with the chanting of the Dominican Salve, after which everyone greets the new postulant in the community room. It seems to be traditional when you enter to have your veil fall off at least once as you greet the community, and Sr. Marie was no exception! Thankfully the novice mistress is there to help get it back on. 

The community, with the new postulant, then goes to the parlor to greet the family and introductions are made all around. However willingly it's done, it is always hard on the family to give to God such a treasured daughter and sister. We trust God will not be outdone in generosity!

Please join us in praying for Sr. Marie as she begins her great monastic adventure, and for her family.


Garden Surprise


Novice Mistress's Feast Day