Benedictus Deus in donis Suis!
A table set up for our Thanksgiving dinner.
Today our nation celebrates Thanksgiving. Our thanks is first and foremost to God, the Giver of every good thing! Despite everything that is going on in our world and in our country, there is still so much for which we need to say to God with our hearts and voices, “To you, O God, we give you thanks and praise!” Take a few moments today to thank God for his many blessings on you and on your family!
As Catholics, gratitude should be a part of who we are because we celebrate Thanksgiving everyday at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, for we call the Sacrament in which the bread and wine truly become the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus, the Holy Eucharist. Eucharist means “thanksgiving”.
Here at the monastery as we celebrate on this Thanksgiving Day we thank God for the gift of all of you, our dear friends and benefactors. Without you it would be very difficult to live a life entirely dedicated to God in praise, thanksgiving and intercession. These past few days we have been spoiled by your many wonderful gifts . THANK YOU for your love and care for us!
Today we had an extra special reason to give thanks. Sr. Mary Ana of the Divine Mercy completed 3 years of temporary profession and today at Mass after the homily she renewed her profession for 1 year as she continues her preparation for the day of her Solemn Profession.