Memorial Day

Memorial Day this year dawned rainy and chilly! With the weather discouraging us from any outdoor games, we picked up our old Memorial Day favorites: pool and fox hunt! We all know what pool is, but have you heard of Fox Hunt before? It’s this very old wooden box-like structure reminiscent of pinball and bowling. The goal is to get the hounds to the fox. The “hound” is a wooden spinning top and the fox is a pin hidden in an almost impossible location. Each pin has a different amount of points. We didn’t actually keep score though! We had much more fun trying to find out if different strings or wrapping techniques would give better results. Sr. Mary Magdalene was the only one who successfully “caught” the fox!

Meanwhile, Sr. Mary Veronica was in the kitchen preparing our picnic fare. She did a wonderful job “nunning” the grill and the fruits of her labor were much appreciated! Because the weather was still a bit brisk at noon, we had our picnic inside in the community room. By suppertime it had warmed up and a proper picnic was enjoyed on the cloister.


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